Crawling Insect Control

Spot Spraying - Surface Spraying

Spot Spraying - Surface Spraying

Crawling Insect Control : Control of bedbugs extremely depends on keen inspection prior to physical or chemical control. Bedbugs can easily squeeze themselves on the smallest pleat when danger is detected. It is very important that each infested area will be identified first to properly carry out the control. A liquid-based insecticide is applied to the infested area either with the use of a hand-held sprayer or a misting machine.

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Gel Baiting

Crawling Insect Control : This is a modern control method used to eradicate ants and cockroaches harbored indoors. For this measure to be effective, proper bait placement and technique are essential. Gel baiting is being rendered on areas where the liquid-based pesticide is restricted or not applicable (ex. outlets, appliances, wall cracks, etc.). Spraying of pesticides on baited areas must be avoided since it can cause bait contamination that will prevent cockroaches to consume the bait.

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Gel Baiting
Granule Baiting

Granule Baiting

Crawling Insect Control : Granular bait kills a broad spectrum of insects such as ants, cockroaches, cricket, silverfish, etc. Aside from its active ingredient, it has an attractant that makes it irresistible to pests. When treating ant infestation, the target of this activity is to allow the granules to be carried by worker ants to their colony, which results in colony elimination.

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